Vrouwennetwerk Universiteit Utrecht


14 oktober 2016

Closing 14 Oct. Vacancy: tenure-track Westerdijk Fellow: Assistant professor department Information and Computing Sciences (0,8 – 1,0 FTE)

The Faculty of Science is searching for female candidates with expertise in the foundations of Computer Science, preferably in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Interaction Technology, Software Systems and Virtual Worlds:

“We are looking for outstanding candidates who will invigorate and enrich the scope of expertise of our department and can enhance its involvement in interdisciplinary research projects within and outside the university. Current areas of interdisciplinary research include Game Research, Foundations of Complex Systems and Integrative Bioinformatics. The department has close collaborations with the University Medical Center, the departments of Physics and Mathematics, and the Faculties of Humanities and Geosciences.”

Application deadline is 14 October 2016.

Read the vacancy text here.