Vrouwennetwerk Universiteit Utrecht

Archief per maand: juni 2019

Gender Summit 17: Driving academic innovation through diversity and inclusion

Towards a more diverse and inclusive scientific environment to enhance equity and excellence. Science seeks answers to current and fundamental questions, but also ensures the growth of knowledge, so that we remain prepared for future challenges. Sometimes, the old questions no longer suffice and new questions need to be asked, because it turns out that…

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NOG Research Day: ‘Living a Feminist Life in Neoliberal Academia’

The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (NOG) hosts the annual National Research Day, held this year at the Graduate Gender Programme at Utrecht University. This year the National Research Day is called ‘Living a Feminist Life in Neoliberal Academia’. The title of this year’s NOG Research Day takes its inspiration from Sara Ahmed’s monograph Living a…

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