Invitation for female scientists: december 12 -NWO / LNVG Pump Your Career 2018 – REGISTRATION OPEN!
UU’ers hebben geluk: de landelijke LNVH/NWO Pump your career is, net als voorgaande jaren, in Utrecht.

Pump Your Career – the career event for women in science
UU scientists are lucky: this national annual event is, as always, held in Utrecht, and the UU womens network gladly recommends to participate.
Talent day for female scientists 12 December 2018 – Utrecht
NWO and LNVH would like to invite you to Pump Your Career on 12 December 2018 – Beatrix Theater Utrecht.
Diversity and inclusiveness are indispensable for science. If science wants to be relevant for society then it needs to reflect the various identities and perceptions that exist within society. In order to boost the careers of female scientists, facilitate their promotion to higher positions, and to generate attention for the various dimensions of diversity and inclusiveness, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Dutch Network of Women Professors (LNVH) are organising a talent day on Wednesday 12 December 2018 at the Beatrix Theater in Utrecht.
Pump Your Career is the place to be to gain inspiration and refine your skills during workshops, lectures and meet & greets. We offer a variety of interesting and exciting sessions: valorization, successful grant writing, leadership & alternative careers, creating safe spaces… and many more!
We proudly announce dr. Rana Dajani (Hashemite University) as our keynote speaker. As a molecular biologist, she advocates science education for women and helps to raise attention for women’s experiences in academia.
Of course, there will be plenty of opportunity for networking. During this day the Women Professors Monitor 2018 (Monitor Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren 2018) will be presented as well.
Please take a look at our website for the whole programme and more information about tickets. Feel free to forward this invitation to your network.
We are looking forward to meeting you on 12 December!
Pump Your Career
Wednesday 12 December 2018
Beatrix Theater Utrecht
09.30 – 17.00 hours
On behalf of the board and bureau of the LNVH,
Prof. dr. Hanneke Takkenberg
Chair LNVH, professor of clinical decision making in cardiothoracic interventions, Erasmusmc
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